Workforce Supply and Demand in Health Care

Andrew P. Doro
3 min readJan 12, 2023


A growing part of the American economy is the number of people working in health care. This is because there are more and more people who need care, and they also need a lot of trained and experienced doctors and other professionals. The healthcare industry has used a number of strategies to keep up with the changing needs and meet the growing demand for healthcare. But there are still a number of problems. Some of these problems are the repurposing of human assets, the use of limited healthcare supplies, and the impact on doctors and other healthcare providers.

The American Hospital Association (AHA) put out a report called “Strengthening the Healthcare Workforce.” It talks about the current state of the healthcare workforce and makes suggestions for its growth and sustainability in the future. The report is the work of a task force that was put together by the board to make sure that there will be enough doctors and nurses in the future. It also has case studies, resources, and long-term plans to help the healthcare workforce deal with the problems it faces.

Along with addressing the immediate needs of the healthcare workforce, the AHA report calls for supporting the mental and physical health of healthcare workers as they deal with a changing patient population. To do this, the group suggests giving staff training on mental health and getting rid of negative attitudes about behavioural health care.

One of the other suggestions is to create a culture that values mission-driven values, which can make employees happier. Leaders should also deal with burnout across the system, putting accountability and the physical and mental safety of both patients and employees at the top of their list.

The people who work in health care are an important part of the American economy. If it’s not available, it can make it harder to get the care and lead to the loss of services that people need. Because of this, it is important to talk about the problem and find good solutions to make sure that patients get good care.

Doctors are very important for providing primary health care. Their presence is also linked to better health, such as a longer life expectancy, fewer deaths from heart disease, and a lower death rate overall.

When looking at the supply and demand of doctors, there are many things to think about. This includes the growing number of older people, the need for more specialized care, and improvements in “state-of-the-art” ways to give care.

According to a report by Mercer, there will be a shortage of 29,000 nurse practitioners by 2025. And the School of Health Sciences at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center has found that there are not enough allied health professionals.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a big effect on the supply and demand of healthcare workers. During the pandemic, there was a big drop in jobs in many parts of the health industry. But the numbers have gone up again. In July 2020, there were 95% as many jobs in the health field as there were before the pandemic.

Also, fewer people used health services than was expected. Even so, it is thought that lost wages cost a total of $200 billion a year.

Since the pandemic, there have been more people looking for jobs in health care than before. The rate of unemployment is highest for people who are Black, Latinx, or American Indian.

A lot of people are leaving their jobs, especially in industries other than health care. Since the pandemic, this trend has kept going, and the news has focused on the rise in people quitting their jobs.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, there is now a serious shortage of medical supplies all over the world. Because of a big outbreak in Lombardy, Italy, the infection spread to factories all over the world, which slowed down transportation and messed up the global healthcare supply chain. Many hospitals and nurses couldn’t leave their homes because they were waiting for jobs to open up again. However, many others went to places that needed more help. This caused a huge shock to the healthcare system ability to meet needs.

It’s important to be flexible, clear, and dynamic when making rules about how to use limited healthcare supplies. These three things will help make sure the guidelines work and are easy for patients, providers, and healthcare organizations to understand. Also, it’s important to make rules that can be used to match future usage rates with the amount of supply that is expected to be available.



Andrew P. Doro

Andrew P. Doro is Founder, President and CEO of Millbrook Support Services.